Sunday, June 6, 2010

So Self Obsessed with my mascara and mistakes, vainity's like a funeral and everyone is at my wake ♫

well yes it has been just a couple of months since i last blogged....Februrary 27th to be exact....i suck at keeping a blog i swear!...
soo life is going Great!
it pretty much revolves around school, singing, work, drama (the acting kind) and of course Auditions =)
recently i auditioned for an Amii insurance ad and next weekend is my x-factor audition thankfully jana is coming with me for moral support!...speaking of that girl i havent seen her for yonks!...and i mean YONKS!
oh how i miss her!...but its ok because we are serious about the motherfucking number 3! haha <3
thats true love right there! lmao!
soon im getting my car =) so excited for that! ive had my p's for over a month and sadly i have not driven anywhere yet =(...but thats cause mum has been in that she's out im dragging her ass to look at cars! tehe!
well yes you can tell im quite bored due to the fact its a sunday night....sunday nights suck because that means that 2morrow is monday which means school which means that another day is past till the hsc which also means the time that i have to start auditioning for my uni's.....
the top 5 uni's im hoping to get into are.....*drum roll*
  1. National institute of dramatic art (Nida)
  2. Australian Academy of dramatic art
  3. Australian Institute of dramatic art (much love if i get into here...i mean like NY and LA campus' FTW!)
  4. Western Australian academy of performing arts
  5. australian institute of music...
but they are only the top sure ill get into at least one of them....though the american one ive only just told mum about....not sure whether she will let me go =( hopefully if i get in she will and then heyloooooooooo hollywood....or New york....i'll take either! haha!
now that you really wasted you time reading this....imma go haha!
